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Frequently Asked Questions
Alcatel Speed Touch Home Patch FAQ
Q. Should I use these patches?
A. No. You should only use software from your service provider.

Q. But they say they don't have a fix.
A. Tell them to get one from Alcatel.

Q. Do these patches really do what they're supposed to?
A. We believe so. If you find otherwise, please let us know.

Q. Do you actually use these patches?
A. Yes.

Q. Are you sure these patches will make my Speed Touch safe?
A. Absolutely not.

Q. How do I find out what software version I'm using, and how do I get a copy out of my Speed Touch?
A. You shouldn't try to apply the patch.

Q. Why don't you post the patched software files?
A. Because Alcatel is the copyright holder.

Q. Why don't you have a patch for my version?
A. Because these are the only versions we currently use.

Q. My software isn't one of the versions you mentioned. Where do i get one I can patch?
A. Ask your service provider. If your license agreement permits, you could also try asking your favorite search engine (such as Google).

Q. Can I safely replace my Speed Touch software with a different version?
A. Probably not. In addition to possible compatibility issues, different versions have different default settings, which may result in your loss of service should your device ever get reset to defaults.

Q. I know what i'm doing. Can I change the defaults?
A. Refer to Appendix I, Custom Build Procedure in Alcatel's A1000 ADSL AWS Installation Practice (3EC 16806 AAAA RJZZA Ed. 03). We've used GNU tar-1.13 with -b 1.

Q. What's this about not disabling the AAL5 services?
A. Some DSLAMs apparently need SNMP enabled in order to provide service. These should not be disabled unless you are ABSOLUTELY SURE that your DSLAM does not (and will not in the future) need them.

Q. How do I tell if the IP server patches are working?
A. Try them out.

Q. How do i tell if the AAL5 patches are working?
A. Use "atm sxt" in EXPERT mode to view the ATM cross-connect table.
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