HPC User Responsibilities

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HPC User Responsibilities
Each SDSC user has responsibilities when using SDSC resources.
1. Only work authorized in the original request for an account is permitted.  
   Programs and data of a personal nature are not authorized.  Users should 
   be prepared to justify that all programs and data are directly related 
   to authorized projects.
2. It is illegal to copy and/or distribute prioprietary software without the 
   approval of the software owner.  Permission must be obtained from the 
   owner of the software before any proprietary software is copied and/or 
   installed on SDSC resources.
3. It is required that users with allocations approved by NSF peer 
   review acknowledge NSF and SDSC support in all publications and send a 
   copy of each to SDSC.  Send publications or links to publications to 
   the following email address: 
4. Each user is required to protect his or her password(s) and passwords must 
   never be shared.  Users who believe a password has been compromised should 
   change that password immediately and notify SDSC Security at  
5. Users are solely responsible for the security of their programs and data.  
   Users are responsible for backing up critical data.  Filesystems and 
   archival storage systems are very reliable, however, data can be lost or 
   damaged due to media failures, software bugs, hardware failures, and 
   other problems. 
6. Individuals using NPACI resources without authorization, or in excess of 
   their authority, are subject to having all of their activities on the system 
   monitored and recorded by system personnel.  In the course of monitoring 
   unauthorized individuals using these resources, the activities of authorized 
   users may also be monitored.  By using NPACI resources you consent to such 
   monitoring and are advised that if such monitoring reveals possible evidence
   of criminal activity, system personnel may provide the evidence of such 
   monitoring to law enforcement officials.  Policies in this regard can
   be found at http://www.ucop.edu/ucophome/policies/ec/ section IV.B. and 
7. Violations of SDSC policy can result in removal of access to SDSC resources 
   and possibly civil and criminal prosecution.  SDSC Information Technology 
   policies, standards and guidelines are available at 
   http://security.sdsc.edu/PSG.  You are responsible for reading and following 
   SDSC policies.
I have read the preceding and all SDSC policy documents and understand my
responsibilities as an SDSC user.