From Security Wiki
Jump to navigationJump to searchSDSC systems, staff, and users are subject to UC and UCSD policies in addition to SDSC's Security Policies.
In the event of conflicts in policy, UC policy shall take precedence over UCSD policy, and UCSD policy shall take precedence over SDSC policy.
SDSC shall defer to UCSD policies regarding sanctions for lack of compliance with the security policies below.
UC Policies
UCSD Policies and Security Links
- * Current UCSD Minimum Security Requirements. Updated 6/2007
- * The ACT Security Wiki is the primary source for information on UCSD Security Policies
SDSC Security Policies
Hosts on "minimum security" networks
Incident Response - For Sysadmins
Logging and Data Retention (Upon request)
General Staff Security awareness
Previous (draft) Policies
Acceptable Use Policies (draft)
Emergency Monitoring of Communications
Patching policy - DRAFT
Portal Policy and Portal Minimum Security Standards - DRAFT